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Our School
Our Vision
Strong culture, strong relationships, strong learners
Our Mission
At Augusta Park Primary School, we work in partnership with families, students and staff to develop and promote:
- collaborative relationships that are based on mutual respect, trust, listening to each other and being open to other people’s perspectives. We all have opportunities to provide feedback and participate in decision making. We help and support each other by working collaboratively to achieve the best outcomes for students.
- expert staff who continuously build their knowledge and practice through active engagement in professional learning opportunities, performance development and undertaking research into current pedagogical practices which improve student learning outcomes.
- effective learning environments which stimulate student learning are engaging, organised and provide opportunities for students to develop a sense of belonging and strong relationships with others. We develop clear, consistent routines and expectations in collaboration with students to set the preconditions for learning as well as to foster a positive, safe and caring school.
- challenging learning experiences which foster deep understanding, intellectual stretch and motivate students to learn through the use of effective questioning, open-ended tasks, multiple entry points, differentiation and effective and timely feedback. We develop students executive functioning skills and growth mindsets through learning dispositions, intentional teaching and effective task design.
- successful students who are curious, self-motivated, persistent, reflective and resilient learners. Students work collaboratively with teachers to set their own learning goals and are able to articulate where they are at in their learning and can identify their next steps. We support students to be successful by ensuring learning intentions and success criteria are made visible and are understood by all students.
- strong community connections through actively engaging in school and community events. We communicate openly and understand each other’s backgrounds and perspectives. We connect and engage with services in our local community to improve outcomes for students. We continuously build on our understanding and awareness of Aboriginal culture through our languages program and working with our Aboriginal Education Team as well as celebrating and participating in events that are significant to Aboriginal people.
Our Staff

Bec Mueller

Nikki Fejo

Student Wellbeing Leader
Natasha Sghirripa

Special Education Coordinator
Hayley Carn
Teaching Staff
Reception – Year 2 Kelsey Kruger
Reception/Year 1 Tara Nayda
Reception/Year 1 Rebecca Kidman
Year 1/2 Melanie Rudd
Year 1/2 Tessa Reid
Year 2/3 Lisa Elliot
Year 3 – Year 6 Nicole Godfrey
Year 3/4 Amanda O’Reilly
Year 4/5/6 Liam Fawcett
Year 5/6 Raman Bhangu
Health/Physical Education Teacher Kym Bishop (Monday – Thursday)
HASS/Aboriginal Languages Teacher Tuesdee Murray
Science Teacher TBA
Permanent Relief Teacher Tracy Kingham
Ancillary Staff
Business Manager Keli Schrader
Administration Officer Casey Lukich
Library Manager Kerry Harris
ACEO Miriam Bodger
ACEO Mary Wilson
ACEO Maoriella Stuart
Cultural Specialist/SSO Kahran McKenzie
Classroom Support/Intervention Maureen Press- (Please Remove)
Classroom Support/Intervention Fiona Williams
Classroom Support/Intervention Darrel McAuliffe
Classroom Support Trudi Hollies
Classroom Support Nicole Pepall
Classroom Support Kerrie-Anne Harrison
Classroom Support Amanda Coffey
Classroom Support Raemi Johnston (Monday – Tuesday)
Classroom Support Kallan Blinman
Classroom Support Alyssa Anesbury
Canteen Manager Leeann Burnett
Grounds Person Stephen Ruffles
On-track Evaluation Report
(PDF, 3MB)
Smarter Schools National Partnership Plan
(PDF, 29KB)
Aboriginal Learner Achievement Action 2020
(PDF, 512KB)
Emergency Management Plan
(PDF, 756KB)
Student Attendance
(PDF, 574KB)
Student Behaviour Response Policy
(PDF, 1MB)
Student Behaviour Response Chart
(PDF, 980KB)
Mobile Phone Personal Device Policy
(PDF, 959KB)
(PDF, 454KB)
Inclement Weather
(PDF, 122KB)
Parent Complaint
(PDF, 234KB)